Peter Krustrup

Instituição Universidade de
Copenhaga, Dinamarca
Departamento Nutrição, Exercício
e Desportos
Interesses de Investigação Fisiologia
Muscular; Performance Humana;
Efeitos do Desporto na Saúde

Professor Peter Krustrup completed his PhD at the University of Copenhagen in 2004. He worked as Associate Professor from 2005 to 2011 at the University of Copenhagen, moving on to take up a position as Professor of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. On 1 January, 2015, he was appointed Professor of Team Sport and Health at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen.

His three main research areas are muscle physiology, human performance and health effects of sports. He is renowned for his investigations into muscle energetics, fibre type recruitment and muscle metabolism during dynamic exercise with special reference to training, exercise intensity, environmental conditions and dietary manipulations. He is also studying performance, recovery, testing and training of elite team sport athletes.

Currently, Peter Krustrup is continuing his pioneering work on the fitness and health effects of football and other team sports. His research includes investigations of the cardiovascular, metabolic and musculoskeletal effects of team sports compared with other types of physical activity, and its potential as prevention and treatment of lifestyle diseases.

Peter Krustrup has authored 170 original research articles, with more than 5000 citations in total. Many are published in high impact journals including J Physiol, Eur J Physiol, Am J Physiol and Med Sci Sport Exerc. He is an editor for Eur J Appl Physiol and has acted as guest editor for two “Football for Health” special issues in Scand Med Sci Sports. Peter Krustrup has received several research dissemination awards, such as Men’s Health Award and the Faculty of Science Media Award.